In a world where every company is trying to “one up” their competitor with fantastically green credentials (jackets sewn from wool donated by the sheep–no forced sheering!) a small hat company out of Canada has out-greened even the greenest. Ambler Mountain Works recently released a press release announcing the launch of their 1% For the Planet (Mars) program.
”With space exploration on track to visit Mars in our lifetime,” said Christian Rawles, Ambler’s General Manager. “Focusing only on Earth would be irresponsible and geo-centric. One day we’re going to land on Mars. It’s simple solar system stewardship to get some recycle bins up there well in advance.”
I applaud Ambler not only for pioneering “solar system stewardship,” but for poking fun at our industry’s tendency to be “holier than thou” environmentalists.
Read the full press release, and the press release about the press release, here.