Trail Mix – Davina & The Vagabonds

Pipes for days.

That was my first thought the very first time I heard Davina Lozier, of Davina & The Vagabonds, sing. A good friend of mine had booked them to play on Music City Roots in Nashville and raved about her voice and the band’s performance.

Her praise was well deserved.

Lozier’s voice is transcendent, one of those rare generational voices, and she regularly draws comparison with icons like Etta James and Amy Winehouse. Her band of Vagabonds conjures forth a musical gumbo of New Orleans and Memphis soul to back her up, providing her to opportunity reach crescendos that leave one’s heart pounding.

Davina & The Vagabonds recently released their latest record, Sugar Drops, on the Compass Records label.

I recently caught up with Davina Lozier to chat about her band’s upcoming trip to Europe, the new record, and my own vagabond spirit.

BRO – Vintage soul has experienced a comeback in recent years. What’s behind the resurgence?

DL – I’m not really up on my new music, but I can say that I understand if there has been a resurgence. It’s honest, from the heart music with a killer feel. And soul is sexy. How can you beat sexy?

BRO – I see you guys are heading to Europe next month. Got a particular city you can’t wait to visit?

DL – There so many first time cities for me on this run. I’m excited for Budapest, so I can hear some of that harmonic minor gypsy music. I’ve never been to the Czech Republic either, and I’m looking forward to all of that historic architecture. And Paris, because I want to eat a million Nutella crepes, 6,000 macaroons, and a handful of baguettes with french cheese.

BRO – Speaking of being on tour, how do you take care of your voice while you’re on the road?

DL – I drink as much water as I can and get as much sleep as I can. That’s about it. Some people tell me to not talk as much between shows. Not sure if that’s because they want me to keep my voice, though. I do talk a lot.

BRO – We are featuring “Devil Horns” on this month’s Trail Mix. What’s the story behind the song?

DL – I was watching a documentary in bed about the history of why the devil superficially looks like our typical red faced horned devil and my husband was in the basement banging on his drums. I shut the iPad off and started writing the song to his beat while lying in bed. “How did the devil get his horns? He got them under my bed.”

BRO – I want to up my vagabond game. Got any advice for me?

DL – Pack light, have an open heart, a full tank of gas, and a killer outfit.

Davina & The Vagabonds will be live tonight in Chattanooga before heading across the pond for a big international tour that includes, among other exotic locales, stops in Jerusalem, Budapest, Paris, and Vienna.

For more information about Davina & The Vagabonds, how you can grab a copy of the new record, or when the band will hit the stage near you, surf on over to their website.

And be sure to take a listen to “Devil Horns,” along with tunes from Chris & Adam Carroll, Nocturnal Blonde, Humbird, and many more on this month’s Trail Mix.

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