Waynesboro’s Riverfest, an organization dedicated to promoting environmental conservation and watershed stewardship, will host its annual Riverfest on SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Constitution Park in Waynesboro, VA. The event is free and open to the public.
This event takes place by the South River in downtown Waynesboro and will include a wide variety of environmentally themed activities and programs. Presentations this year will include a program by The Wildlife Center of Virginia, a local hospital for native wildlife. Joining the Wildlife Center will be three non-releasable wildlife ambassadors. Reptile World, a crowd favorite, will return for two presentations about snakes and other reptiles found around the world.
New presentations for 2020 will include a program on Ants, “Amazing Fears and Gnarly Beasts: The Hidden Life of Ants” by Dr. Kal Ivanov, assistant curator of invertebrate zoology at the Virginia Museum of Natural History. Also new this year will be an introduction to beekeeping by the Shenandoah Valley Bee Keepers. We will hear all about Riverfest’s totem animal for 2020, the Eastern Tiger Salamander as well as a presentation from Headwaters Master Naturalists.
Free activities include canoe rides down the South River, face-painting, games for children, arts and crafts, and a variety of other activities with exhibitors in the large exhibit tent. The City of Waynesboro’s Public Works department will be present with a variety of exhibits and activities. This year, attendees are encouraged to bring their own water bottle to take advantage of our free water station from Riverfest sponsor May Supply.
The day will end with the Great South River Duck Race, during which participants “adopt” a rubber duck and watch as ducks race down a stretch of the South River. Ducks are corralled and collected downstream; the top five winners (plus the last place duck) receive cash and gift certificate prizes from a variety of local businesses. Ducks may be adopted prior to the race or the day of Riverfest.
For more information and a complete schedule of events, visit: http://riverfestwaynesboro.org/