BRO Timeline

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2003 (December)
BRO publishes “Line in the Sand,” a feature about controversial issues on Cumberland Island National Seashore. The feature helped stop illegal development and led to significant changes in the seashore’s management.

2004 (April)

BRO publishes its first (and last) April Fool’s issue, with stories about Smokey the Bear resigning, Britney Spears sponsoring a bike team, and plans for a paved walkway to Cold Mountain.

2004 (May)

BRO publishes its first Outdoor Festival Guide. Hippies rejoice.

2004 (June)

BRO premieres Switchback, the popular reader response forum. First question: Is it cool to skinny-dip in public?

2005 (January)
BRO readers try to complete the Presidential Fitness Award, designed for elementary school children, in the first BRO Fitness Challenge.

2005 (February)

BRO celebrates its 10th anniversary and debuts its switch to a glossy cover

2006 (July)

BRO publishes its first Green Guide.

2007 (January)

BRO goes full color!

2007 (August)

BRO publishes “Line in the Sand,” a feature about controversial issues on Cumberland Island National Seashore. The feature helped stop illegal development and led to significant changes in the seashore’s management.

2008 (October)
BRO asks readers if Bigfoot exists. 51% say “yes.”

2009 (April)
BRO publishes its first comprehensive guide to the Appalachian Trail, covering the entire 1009-mile southern half of the trail.

2010 (February)
BRO celebrates 15 years of Southeastern adventure coverage with a retrospective.

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