Want to ask Scott Jurek how he trains? Or learn more about the nearly barefoot Tarahumara runners? Christopher McDougall, author of the Born to Run, along with seven-time Western States 100 Champion and ultrarunning legend Scott Jurek, and five-time Mount Mitchell champion and 2009 Copper Canyon Ultramarathon champion (and BRO editor-in-chief) Will Harlan, will lead a free 3-4 mile group run on the trails and roads of UNCA on Friday, April 29. Meet at 5pm at the UNC-Asheville track. It’s open to runners and walkers of all levels. Wear any shoes you like. McDougall, Jurek, and Harlan will be available to answer questions and talk informally during the easy run along UNCA’s trail system.
McDougall will give an official presentation at UNCA’s Lipinsky Auditorium later that evening at 7pm, but the group run might be your best opportunity to ask questions and learn more from three runners who have shared the trails with the indigenous Tarahumara runners.