Clips of the Week: Musky Refusal, The Explorer, Upstand, Elk Vs. Photog

Our favorite outdoor clips from around the internet for the week that was:

Not Quite Good Enough

If this musky refusal doesn’t get your blood going, I don’t know what will. JUST TAKE THE FLY, DAMMIT!

The Great Musky Refusal from TheNewFlyFisher on Vimeo.

We Are the Appalachian Trail

This short video won the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s I Am the Appalachian Trail video contest. Very cool.

Kickstand Kickstarter

This is a Kickstarter campaign video for a new-age, state-of-the-art, featherweight kickstand for your roadie. The Upstand is the creation of Garrett Blake of Chapel Hill, NC, and we are always one to support our region’s entrepreneurs. Plus, despite the kickstand’s rep over the past decade or so, we kinda want one of these. Make the kickstand cool again, consider donating. Also a plus? Blake’s epic handlebar stache. Combined with the chrome dome, it’s worth the price of admission alone.

 The Explorer

Seems like everyone is making these type of videos these days, but epic outdoor shots with voiceover by Buzz Aldrin? Yes! May we never stop exploring, and may we always enjoy awesome videos like this.

Elk vs. Photog

This video featuring a young bull elk facing off against a photographer in Great Smoky Mountains National Park is dominating the internet this week. It’s a little long, but worth it to see the interaction. Quote from the photographer: “At least he took me for a bull and not a cow!” Yes, indeed.

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