Weekend Pick: Snowy Luau Festival at Timberline

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside, here comes a classic mid-Atlantic March storm to put the brakes on spring once again. It feels like every time winter appears to be over, it rears its wet, heavy head in the form of an epic snow dump, and this week is no exception. The good news is it bought regional ski resorts a couple more weekends of open slopes; something the industry desperately needed following a slow start to the winter season. With enough snow, March can be the perfect time to hit the slopes. It’s one last hurrah; a salute to Jack Frost in the form of skiing corn in shorts and t-shirts. Nothing is cooler than a warm breeze on your face as you shred melting snow beneath your skis.

Sunday marks St. Patrick’s Day, an excuse to party if there ever was one and there is no party as rowdy as a ski resort party weekend. We could be looking at the perfect party storm – which happened to be my nickname in high school – at Timberline Resort this weekend. They are hosting their annual Snowy Luau Festival and when you combine Hawaii attitude with St. Patrick’s Day aggressiveness, literally anything can happen.

Head up to the resort on Saturday for a Rail Jam, Pig Roast, and late night dance party. Stay for Sunday’s Slopestyle competition, costume parade, and basic St. Patrick’s day revelry like pinching strangers and eating potatoes. Wait…not sure about that last one.

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